CA Privacy Policy - Altaquip Equipment Service Specialists
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CA Privacy Policy

Changes to This California Privacy Policy

The section of this policy entitled, ALTAQUIPS Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information”, severs as your notice at collection required by California law when we collect personal information about you online.

The Scope Of This Privacy Policy

What Is Personal Information?

“Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular California Consumer or household.

Whose Personal Information Is Covered By This Policy?

This California Privacy Policy applies to the Personal Information of residents of the State of California in their capacity as consumers (“California Consumers”).

What Personal Information Does This Privacy Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy applies to all Personal Information of California Consumers that we collect both online and offline, including through California Consumers’ (a) visits to our website, and (b) use of our products, applications, or services that references this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Services”).

Whose Personal Information Is Not Covered By This Privacy Policy?

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” does not include the personal information of California residents who are :

Company’s employees, job applicants, owners, directors, officers, medical staff members, or independent contractors (collectively, “HR Individuals”), or the emergency contacts of HR Individuals or the dependents or spouses who receive ALTAQUIP’s benefits by virtue of their relationship to an HR Individual in their capacities as HR Individuals or emergency contacts, dependents, or spouses; or

Employees or other agents of a business engaged in a transaction with ALTAQUIP in their capacities as employees or agents of that business.

What Else Should I Know About ALTAQUIP Handling Of California Consumers’ Personal Information?

Please read ALTAQUIP’s Terms of Use and our General Privacy Statement available at carefully, as they contain important information about your use of the Services. If you have any questions, please contact us using the information below.

ALTAQUIP Collection, Use And Disclosure Of Personal Information

This section of the Privacy Policy describes, for the 12 months preceding the date last updated, above, (a) the categories of Personal Information we have collected about you, (b) the sources of that Personal Information, (c) the business and commercial purposes for use, and (d) the categories of third party recipients of your Personal Information.  Unless we inform you otherwise, this section also serves as our “notice at collection” by informing you of your Personal Information to be collected in the future and the purposes for its use.

Categories Of Personal Information Collected

In the last 12 months, ALTAQUIP collected the following categories of Personal Information about California Consumers:

Identifiers, including real name, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, email address, telephone number and account name.

Sources Of Personal Information and Purposes For Using Personal Information

In the last 12 months, ALTAQUIP collected the categories of Personal Information listed above from the following sources and used those categories of Personal Information for the following purposes:

Categories of Personal Information Collected in the Last 12 Months

Sources of that Personal Information

Business Purposes and Commercial Purposes for Collecting that Personal Information

Identifiers The California consumer himself or herself
  • Used to direct customers to Service Centers for help.
  • Performing services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, for processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments.
  • Facilitating communications, for example, by collecting and organizing contact information, establishing means of communications, and communicating with current and prospective customers, including regarding questions and feedback.


Disclosure Of Personal Information To Third Parties

ALTAQUIP does not disclose any Personal Information about California Consumers to third parties for a business or commercial purpose.

No Sale Of Personal Information

ALTAQUIP does not and will not sell California Consumers’ Personal Information

Your California Privacy Rights

Right to Know

California Consumers have the right to submit a verifiable request to know:

The categories and specific pieces of Personal Information that ALTAQUIP has collected about them.

The categories of sources from which ALTAQUIP collected the Personal Information.

The categories of Personal Information that could be sold, however Altaquip does not sell information, or disclose said information to a third party (other than a service provider) for a business purpose and the categories of recipients of that information; and

The business or commercial purposes for ALTAQUIP’s collection, or disclosure, of the Personal Information.

Right To Delete

California Consumers have the right to submit a verifiable request for deletion of their Personal Information that ALTAQUIP has collected from the Consumer.

Right to Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information

California Consumers have a right to opt-out of the sale of the Personal Information.  However, as stated above, ALTAQUIP does not and will not sell Personal Information.

How to Exercise Your Rights

ALTAQUIP will respond to requests in accordance with applicable law if it can verify the identity of the individual submitting the request. California Consumers can exercise their rights in the following ways:

Please click HERE to make your CCPA Request.

Requests By Authorized Agents

You may designate an authorized agent to exercise your right to know or your right to delete by submitting to us a completed “Authorized Agent Designation” form.  You can obtain the designation form by contacting us at

If an authorized agent submits a request to know or a request to delete on your behalf, the authorized agent must submit with the request either (a) a power of attorney that is valid under California law, or (b) a document signed by you that authorizes the authorized agent to submit the request on your behalf.  In addition, we may ask you to follow the applicable process described above for verifying your identity

How We Will Verify Your Requests

To prevent anyone other than you, or your authorized agent, from exercising the right to know or the right to delete with respect to your personal information, we follow procedures to verify your, or your agent’s, identity.  These procedures seek to confirm that the person making a request is the person about whom we have collected personal information or that person’s authorized agent.  The verification procedures involve matching data points that you provide with your request against information about you we already have in our records and that we have determined to be reliable for purposes of verifying your identity.  We will use the information you provide in your completed request form to verify your identity, and we may request additional information if necessary, to complete the verification process.

ALTAQUIP’s Non-Discrimination Policy

California Consumers have the right not to be subject to discriminatory treatment by ALTAQUIP for exercising their privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act, and Company will not discriminate on that basis. However, ALTAQUIP may charge a California Consumer a different price or rate or provide a different level or quality of goods or services if the difference is reasonably related to the value provided to the California Consumer by the Consumer’s Personal Information.  If ALTAQUIP does so, it will provide Consumers with any legally required notice.

Your ‘Do Not Track’ Browser Setting

The Site collects personally identifiable information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services. We support the Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting. DNT is a preference you can set in your browser’s settings to let the websites you visit, including the Site, know that you do not want the sites collecting your personally identifiable information.

Third-Party Links And Services

We provide links to third party websites operated by organizations not affiliated with ALTAQUIP. We do not disclose your Personal Information to organizations operating such linked third-party websites. We do not review or endorse, and are not responsible for, the privacy practices of these organizations. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of each and every website that you visit. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by ALTAQUIP through the Services.

Minors Under 16 Years of Age

We respect the privacy of children. Our Services are not designed to attract an audience younger than sixteen (16), and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under sixteen (16). If you are under the age of sixteen (16), you are not permitted to use our Services and should not send any information about yourself to us through the Services.  Please contact us using the contact details below if you believe we may have collected information from your child under the age of sixteen (16), and we will work to delete it.

For More Information

For questions or concerns about ALTAQUIP’s privacy policies and practices, please contact us at

To download a copy of the Altaquip CCPA Policy, please click here

This Page Last Update: December 2023